
Terms of use

1. Disclaimer
1.1 The following Terms of Use apply to the use of the employee offers presentation platform (hereinafter referred to as presentation platform) by the employees of the company (hereinafter referred to as employees).
1.2 Use of the employee benefits presentation platform is conditional upon your agreement to these Terms of Use. By registering and logging on to the presentation platform, the employee indicates their agreement to be bound by all of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use.
1.3 Use of the presentation platform is free of charge.

2. Access to and use of the presentation platform
2.1 The personal credentials do not entitle any person other than the employee to use the respective presentation platform.
2.2 A permanent e-mail address is required for registration. The use of a disposable temporary e-mail address or “throw-away” e-mail address is expressly prohibited. Disposable e-mail addresses are re-assigned to other users once they have been “thrown away”, which might give unauthorized persons access to the participant’s account.
2.3 The employee commits to keep the following confidential and/or prevent abuse of the following: Personal login credentials, coupons and promotional codes.
2.4 In case of loss, the employee will receive new personal login credentials. 2.5 Under no circumstances is the employee to use the employee benefits program to resell the discounted products or services acquired, especially via online auctions and the like.
2.6 In case of a breach of contract the employee’s access can be terminated immediately.
2.7 Upon leaving the company, the employee is to make sure that their account be deleted. This shall not impact on the possibility that the administrator(s) can revoke access at any time. In case of doubt, the continued use of the presentation platform can be made dependent on the presentation of proof of employment.
2.8 In order to use the presentation platform, employees must be at least 16 years of age or provide written consent of their parents or legal guardians.
2.9 Access to the presentation platform can be revoked and the respective account may be deleted if the employee has not visited the presentation platform for 5 years.

3. Contracts between vendors and employees
3.1 The presentation platform is a virtual marketplace in the sense that it provides the framework for a first contact between an interested employee and a vendor.
3.2 All further matters, including but not limited to the conclusion of a sales contract, delivery of goods and services, returns, and warranties occur solely and strictly between the employee and the vendor without the direct or indirect participation of a third party – usually via the vendor’s own website or via e-mail correspondence or other direct communications between vendor and employee.

4. Warranties
4.1 No warranty is given or shall be construed concerning the accuracy of the information provided by vendors, nor concerning the conduct and performance of the vendors, as well as their goods and services available via the presentation platform. Furthermore, no warranty is given or shall be construed concerning the accuracy and completeness of the content of the information and declarations provided by the vendors, nor concerning the actual availability, quality and viability of their goods and services, nor the fitness of the goods and services for a particular purpose, nor concerning non-infringement of the rights of others by these services.
4.2 No warranty is given or shall be construed regarding the actual discounts granted by vendors or savings achieved by the employee.
4.3 All matters, including but not limited to the conclusion of a sales contract, delivery of goods and services, returns, and warranties occur solely and strictly between the employee and the vendor. Therefore, any warranties or other entitlements must be asserted in the context of this relationship. In case of doubt, the employee is to communicate directly with their contracting party.

5. Further general provisions
5.1. These Terms of Use are subject to the jurisdiction and laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

last updated: 03.2019